Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Getting Started

Eeehh hemmm!  Where do I start?  This is always the question when beginning something new i.e. projects, workouts, and for that matter starting a blog as well.  Lately I have contemplated getting into the blogging world to share some of these ideas swimming through my head.   Life is to short not to explore a dream or vision you may have so this is my attempt at starting something new.   Since I am not sure if this blog will be able to fit in one general category I will let it take shape over time.  Right now my plan is to share my passion for health and wellness and some projects that I want to tackle.  

Many of the blogs I follow inspire me; whether it is a blog about home renovations, fitness, crafts, or life in general they all have something great to share.  I hope to achieve just that, inspire others along the way.  I hope you stay with me as I Liv Life and hope to inspire you to do the same.  :)



  1. Congrats on starting a blog! I found you via 733 designs. This sounds like my kind of blog! Can't wait to see where it goes!

    1. Hi Jenny! Thank you so much! I think this will be a fun adventure!!! I will try to post at least 4-5 times per week, but I still need to work up to it. I checked out your blog as well! Super fun projects! Let's keep each other motivated :)

  2. Nice to meet you Olivia!! We are the other "Liv Life" blog, there are a couple out there, as such I just received a google alert. We have a similar premise based on my daughter Liv's passion to "Liv Life". Good luck to you in your new endeavor!

    1. Nice to meet you as well! I guess I did not even think to check since the blog address was available. Sorry if there is any confusion. Thank you for the well wishes!
