1. A fresh clean feel.
2. Inspiration as provided by the Rhino. ***For all practical purposes the Rhino is our family mascot. We bought this awesome papermache rhino head from Anthropologie last winter
3. A pop of color with fun pillows.
So we got started...
I forgot to take a full before picture, but managed to take one while in the taping process. Please don't pay attention to the moving mess or my little photo bomber.
First we painted the room a light gray color. I didn't manage to get a picture after the painting, but it definitely lightened the room up a lot.
Before we dive into the pellet project I want to give you a little story behind the pallet.
Now the design. Thanks to amazing friends and lost of rearranging we came up with a "template" we liked.
After a few calculations the first board was up.
Final touches inspiration.
Tattoos, art work, and inspiration.
Here is an update on what the room looks like today. There are many things that need to be brought in an moved around, but it's progress.
What do you think? Any ideas for book shelves? Seating?

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