Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lessons of the Day

Today was a GREAT family day!  The husband and I spent time running errands and let the little ones enjoy the chaos of the day.  Today I learned so much from being with my kids that no book could ever teach me.  It is amazing how much you can learn from an innocent little soul.  Here is what I learned!

1.   Enjoy running errands even though they may not be the funnest thing in the world.   We let the kids walk through the mall instead of bringing the stroller.  It was ADORABLE how B insisted on holding Lil's hand.  He wanted to show her the world.

2.  Enjoy and adventure.  We exited on the opposite side of the mall and walked to our car outside to enjoy the mild weather.  Since the sidewalk ended we walked up a big hill and back through the loading dock of Target.  Not our typical route, but you should have seen B's eyes light up as he thought we were in the middle of the forest!

3.  Enjoy the simple things.  We bought Silly String for the kids, of course blue for B and pink for Lil.  It was so cute to hear the laughs come from their little bellies as we ran around attacking each other.

4.  Relax and do some yoga.  We had a dance session earlier in which Lil broke out her yoga moves.  Too cute!

GOALS for the week:  Drink more water {as inspired by the husband ;)}


House for Sale!

It's OFFICIAL!!!!  Our house is listed For Sale!!! 

As some may already know we live in a very small townhouse.  I bought this when I was single as an "investment",  the only issue was this was in 2006 at the very height of the real estate market.  I remember talking to the mortgage guy and stating I just want to live there for a couple of years and sell.   Joke was on me!  A year later I was married and then eventually 2 kids and one dog packed into my little two bedroom town home.  

Now don't get me wrong, we are very grateful to have a nice home with a roof over our heads, but space is an issue.  The good thing is both bedrooms are very big so we don't have to worry about bunk beds or anything, haha.  However, storage space is very limited!  Our saving grace is the chiro office which has 2000+ square footage of which he probably only actively uses 800.  So that means a storage unit for us.  

Yesterday, we spent the day cleaning and taking pictures to post for our listing.  We are very excited for what this new stage will bring.  Wish us luck that it won't take years to sell.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Protein Pancakes

Breakfast for dinner anyone???   I wanted to share one of our family's favorite  recipes, Protein Pancakes!!!   I know that there are many version of this out there and if you haven't tried it yet it is a must try. This recipe is a favorite for many reasons:  

1.  Ingredients are always on hand :)  Hate extra trips to the store for one or two ingredients!  

2.  It is easy for the kids to help out and easy clean up!  

3.  Packed with protein and the kids always ask for more!

Protein Pancakes Recipe
1/2 cup Rolled Oats
3/4 cup Egg Whites
Dash of Cinnamon and Stevia

Mix ingredient all together and fry on a griddle.
Top with your favorite berries and a little Greek Yogurt for "syrup"!

What is your favorite Breakfast for Dinner Recipe?

From Love to Addiction

I admit I am 100% addicted to caffeine, especially coffee. 

 I used to be a Diet Coke girl always craving an ice cold pop/soda, but it has now evolved into the love of coffee.  Regardless of the form if I don't have a cup in the morning I will start to get a headache!  What?!?!?!  It is getting bad and I realize I am using this as a "drug" or type of aspirin to make my headache go away!  Before I had the mentality of a little bad habit is not necessarily bad, if Diet Coke or Coffee is my biggest problem I am doing pretty good.  However, now i see myself as dependent, from my love of the taste to needing it.  If I wouldn't take aspirin (which I don't) what makes me think this is any better?  Don't get me wrong I will still enjoy my nice cup of  joe in the morning while I drive into work, but gone are the days to use it as a drug repeatedly throughout the day.  Caffinie,  I am taking my life back!!!   That felt good  :)

On a totally separate note!  Lil got her first haircut this weekend.  Even though her hair wasn't extremely long it was starting to become a mullet.  As you can tell she was making sure the stylist didn't cut it too short :D   She now has a cute little bob!!!  I still need to get a good "after" shot and I will post as soon as I have a good one!

Have a great day!

Monday, February 6, 2012

A New Kind of Date

What kind of books do you like to read?  Novels?  Motivation/Personal Development?  Fitness?  Magazines?  Text books?  It has always been so easy for me to get lost in a good romance novel {sigh}!  I just love escaping to the perfect world of a non fiction book :)  

Since I met Rhino he has always been reading non-fiction/personal development books.  He will read everything from Chiropractic, Business, Money to Faith.  When we first started dating he bought me a few self development books and of course they still remain unread since they did not grab my attention within the first twenty pages.  In the past few months I have been reading some more books on passion and soul purpose that I have found very interesting.  I can finally see how Rhino is using the books to push himself and expand his knowledge in new ways.  However, I never thought he would be able to see my love for a good novel until we bought The Hunger Games.  

We bought it on our way to pick up our kiddos from my sister's house.  Since I was driving he read me the first few chapters aloud and just like that he was hooked ;)  He will deny if you ask him, but we read the whole first book together.  It was actually a great way to spend sometime quiet down time with each other versus being on Facebook or Pinterest ;)  I am excited to get the next book and of course go to the movies as they come out.  :)     

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Getting Started

Eeehh hemmm!  Where do I start?  This is always the question when beginning something new i.e. projects, workouts, and for that matter starting a blog as well.  Lately I have contemplated getting into the blogging world to share some of these ideas swimming through my head.   Life is to short not to explore a dream or vision you may have so this is my attempt at starting something new.   Since I am not sure if this blog will be able to fit in one general category I will let it take shape over time.  Right now my plan is to share my passion for health and wellness and some projects that I want to tackle.  

Many of the blogs I follow inspire me; whether it is a blog about home renovations, fitness, crafts, or life in general they all have something great to share.  I hope to achieve just that, inspire others along the way.  I hope you stay with me as I Liv Life and hope to inspire you to do the same.  :)
