Sunday, April 22, 2012


Have you ever juiced????

If, not it is a must try and soon!   

About six months ago my sister bought a juicer and completed a detox program.  They raved about how awesome they felt, but for some reason we never tried.  About a month ago it was brought up again, so we bought and entry level juicer.  Nothing fancy to start, but one that worked and would allow us to try.  Once we perfected the general recipe we wonder what took us so long to jump on the band wagon!

One secret my husband knew about from some fellow chiropracTORs was how to effectively juice spinach.  The key is to stuff a bell pepper, so all of the spinach is packed in together.  

Another quick tip we have learned is a lemon will make any juice taste awesome. 

Today's Juice Recipe:

Bell Pepper

Be careful!  Once you start your body will crave it ;)


A picture of my and my baby girls; it has been awhile since we had a picture together!  One of the sleeping lad, worn out from a weekend of playing with his cousins! ( I think it is time for a hair cut)


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Goals and Dreams

Over the past few weeks I have been thinking very deeply about my soul purpose and what impact will/do I have on my family, friends, and community.   To be honest this is something I think about often, but more so in the past weeks.  Lately, news of cancer, death and tragedy have made it way into my world; impacting communities and people that I have come to know over the past several year and some that I just hear in passing.  Every time I hear one of these stories it makes me question:  Am I doing what I love?  Am I making an impact?  How am I spending my precious valuable time?  If I claim to know my priorities, is it apparent the way I am living today?  

Wow!!  Even as I wrote that last question, I shuddered because I know my answer is No and I need to make that a YES (one certainty and without hesistation)!

 I have a lot of work to do and if I ever plan on getting there (to my dreams) I have to start DOING!!  If we keep putting off our dreams for whatever reason pretty soon years will pass and we will never get that time back.

One cool thing we implemented in our family is weekly goals.  This is a relatively easy thing to start to do and makes goal setting easier, while being so effective.  Each Sunday we write in what our goals are for the upcoming week and report on the previous week's achievement.  So far for the few weeks we have completed this, we found it effective and fun.  It doesn't have to be anything Earth Shattering, but anything that will bring you one week closer to your goals and dreams!!!  

I know this was kind of a heavy post, but one that has been eating at me!

To close on a lighter note check out the sleeping twins.  This was on the way home from Nebraska a few weeks ago.  


Monday, April 2, 2012


WOW!  What a weekend!  
We were able to escape to the great state of Nebraska!!!  Go Huskers  Longhorns ;)
Any who, not trying to get into the battle of "Everyone bleeds red", but we had a great weekend!  

It was filled with meeting new friends that share similar views on ChiropraTIC and we got to spend some good quality time with family.  During our stay in Omaha for the Chiro Event I learned so many great things I am still trying to process them all.  The cool thing is when I go to these seminars with the husband it re-engergizes us in all areas of our lives.  

Here are some briefs notes:

1.  Take Action!  What are you waiting for?  If you have a dream/plans/idea starting working to get them completed.  If you are waiting for a right time pretty soon years will pass and you will still be in the same spot.  

2.  Never put the word "just" in anything you say.  It diminishes the meaning.

3.  Be grateful!

**A quick reminder to myself to take more pictures!  I did not get any group shots from the seminar :( **

After the event we traveled 3 hours to my in-laws to have an early Easter!  It was filled with an Egg Hunt, flying planes, horse rides, and great desserts! 

