Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Letters

Friday Letters

dear fall:  is it strange that I am already looking forward to you, but love the summer heat??  

dear iPhone/siri: sorry we almost lost you to a h2o spill by the toddler.  Yikes, that was a close one!  Time for a new case!

dear blog: thank you for being patient with my irregular posts!  I promise to pay you more attention!

dear town home: you have been good to our family we are going to miss you!  However you are a bear to pack up...

dear workout schedule:  can you write yourself?

dear family:  i love you!

dear convertible with a huge stuffed gorilla in the backseat:   thanks for making us laugh!  :)  *sorry for the bad picture, but I had to share! 

And some more pictures just to share :)

Have a Happy Friday!!!





  1. That gorilla is just insane... LOL! And your little ones are just precious :) Enjoy your weekend!

  2. that white gorilla is amazing!

    Come to and say hello!

