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Where Have You Been
Where have you beeeeeenCause I never see you out
Are you hiding from me, yeah?
Somewhere in the crowwwwdd
Ok, that is taking this post's title a little far, eh?
Well I can tell you where I have been/what I have been doing over the weeks, but it may take awhile so grab a cup of coffee and join me.
First off, since my last post it was my little guy's (aka Lloyd's) birthday. This was the first year he had so much anticipation for his big day. He was the center of attention for a whole week and he ate it all up. On his actual birthday we celebrated with the husband's family at a state park in Nebraska. We stayed in a beautiful big cabin and celebrated with family and a Spiderman cake.

As many of you know the other main activity that have been consuming much of the time over here has been house shopping, refinancing, buying and renting (almost in that order) . I know I have blogged about our situation with owning a small town home and wanting to get into a bigger house that we have room to grow into. I think we may be close to solving our puzzle, but there are a few last details to solidify, including a closing date. To say the least, this has not been as exciting as I would have hoped, but rather VERY stressful. Maybe I was naive to think it would be a fun experience?? However, once we have the final details I will share the photos and all my plans for turning the house into OUR home :)
We ended this very busy month with a date weekend, a very treasured time! For those of you who do not know we have date weekends in which we trade kids with my sister so we get the whole weekend to do whatever. Yes you read it correctly, Friday - Sunday all to ourselves. Not only do we like date weekends, but our kids get to spend time with their cousins so they love it too. Here are a few pics:
Kids having fun with their cousins at the beach.
Lil's first braid, courtesy of Auntie Tanya.
While we went out with some friends to look at tattoos.
But unfortunately had to schedule an appointment since walk-ins couldn't exceed the two hour mark... disappointing!
Other random June events:
First time calling 9-1-1, this is no joke and was super scary!
Catching up with college friend's while Llyod learns to jump off the diving board solo. Thanks to a quick lesson from his cousins.
Hope you all had a great June as well!
That cake is awesome!!!! :D